
You anoint my head with oil and my cup overflows

You anoint my head with oil and my cup overflows

Welcome to Pentecost and our Church Anniversary. It’s 3 years since the improvements to the building were completed. It’s 4 years since we had our first 24 hour prayer vigil… and we just did it again.
What do we expect to happen?
Someone once said, ‘What we receive from God is always limited by our expectations.’ William Carey, the father of foreign missions, said, ‘Expect great things from God, Attempt great things for God.’
And today we have come for another routine Sunday service?
I wonder if David expected the anointing? Samuel had seen all his handsome brothers, and there was still David the youngest to fetch in from the field. When he arrived, God told Samuel to anoint him king. God sees not the outward appearance, but the heart. How is your heart this morning? Do you have a heart for the lost, like the Good Shepherd?
The practice of anointing in the OT was reserved mainly for kings and also for priests. Anointing was often connected with the impartation of the Holy Spirit.
In the passage from Isaiah; ‘The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for He has anointed me…’ we see 3 results of the anointing of the HS which will help us understand why we need such an anointing today.
John Wimber said ‘It’s about meeting the needs of others with the resources of God’.
1. We go out and the good news is preached to the poor and downtrodden, hope and forgiveness is available for the marginalised.
2. The broken-hearted may be healed. We have a clear calling to rescue those around us with broken hearts and lives and relationships
3. Captives and those in darkness are set free. We know lots of people like that. Slaves to addictions, in deep depression, on drugs. Held captive by the Evil One and unable to help themselves.
This is our calling, Church. How is your heart this morning? Do you have a heart for the lost, like the Good Shepherd? Do you long for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on your life? Do you long for revival and for the Spirit to move again as he did at Pentecost and numerous occasions since. Who can say that the time is not right. We live in desperate times, and God is calling us back to Him to be instruments of His peace and purpose.
Feel inadequate?
Well here’s the promise:
‘You anoint my head with oil’, and that’s not all……
‘You anoint my head with oil and my cup overflows’.
No half measures.
Watch: (pour ‘wine’ into pyramid of glasses)
Listen to this:
John 7…. Rivers of living water.
God is a god of mega-generosity. There are no half measures. Your cup is filled and running over.
Look at the disciples on the day of Pentecost. The neighbours thought they were drunk. It was an outpouring which touched 3000 lives.
George Whitfield along with Wesley was greatly used of God in the 18th Century ‘Great Awakening’. It is thanks to that awakening that we are here.
Whitfield wrote in his journal, how he was filled with the Holy Spirit. ‘Oh that all who deny the promise of the Father, might thus receive it themselves! Oh, that all were partakers of my joy!’
He also describes on one occasion he began to pray a brief prayer before addressing the assembly but to his own astonishment could not stop. Petitions, praises, raptures poured forth from his lips.’ A wonderful power was in that room’ Whitfields prayer was drowned by cries which, he was sure, could be heard a great way off…. Cries and groans and quaking had sometimes accompanied the preaching…. ‘thousands cried out so that they almost drowned my voice’. Whitfield did not doubt that the Spirit of God was flowing…
It is well documented that the revival of Wesley and Whitfield probably saved England from a bloody revolution like that in France at the time.

Charles Finney described his experience of the Holy Spirit which occurred in the early 19th Century:
The Holy Spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemed to go through me, body and soul. I could feel the impression, like a wave of electricity, going through and through me. Indeed it seemed to come in waves of liquid love, for I could not express it in any other way. It seemed the very breath of God. I can remember distinctly that it seemed to fan me, like immense wings.
No words can express the wonderful love that was shed abroad in my heart. I wept aloud with joy and love, I literally bellowed out the unspeakable overflow of my heart. These waves came over me, and over me, and over me, one after the other……’
Finney went on to spearhead a revival in America which his biographer claimed ‘literally altered the course of history’. Over half a million people were converted under his ministry in an age when there was no PA or mass media. Billy Graham says ‘Through his Spirit-filled ministry thousand upon thousand came to know Christ, resulting in one of the greatest periods of revival in the history of America. In communities where he preached bars and saloons closed for lack of business and the crime rate dropped. Countless lives changed through the ministry of a man who let the Spirit flow in him, and out from within him, to the lost.
We live through the most challenging of times. I don’t need to tell you that. It is a fresh outpouring, overflowing to the broken and lost, that we need today.
Peter said, ‘The promise is for you, right down the generations and right across the world.’
‘You anoint my head with oil and my cup overflows.’
And Jesus said to his disciples, this: ‘If you, being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.’
This, friends is the key…. Asking.
Jesus makes it clear that God does not act if we are half-hearted in our asking. If however, we really mean it, we really want to serve and follow him, and we get down to serious persistent prayer asking God to act, He will. So we have been praying this last 24 hours. So we need to be praying now.
A fresh out pouring of the Spirit is always preceded by persistent believing prayer.
Spurgeon, that great preacher recognised that.
So does John Kilpatrick, a pentecostal pastor in Pensacola, Florida, who in recent years has seen vast numbers of people come to faith. Prayer is the key.
Fred would tell you that the subject of our prayer time each Wednesday at 7am always comes round to young people and to revival.
‘Ask anything in my name and it’s yours’ says Jesus.
Let us get serious and ask God for revival.
We may be few, but remember the church began with a dozen unlikely characters whose lives were transformed by God’s Spirit at Pentecost.
We celebrate that today, and we look ahead as God’s people on this our Anniversary, and we say, ‘Lord, we want to see this church really grow. Come, revive us today. Pour out your Spirit. Send the fire!’
I’ve mentioned Count Zinzendorf and the 100 years prayer before. Here’s an excerpt from the revival amongst the Moravians:
Throughout the summer, the community interceded, Zinzendorf often leading the way with tears and loud cries. Groups met in homes to pray and confess their sins. Spontaneous nights of prayer were a regular occurrence.
Throughout July, the sense of urgency grew. A visiting preacher fell to the ground during the service, crying out to God for a new move of His power. In the prayer meetings, many would kneel or lie prostrate, weeping before the Lord. Zinzendorf recorded later:
"Everyone desired above everything else that the Holy Spirit might have full control. Self-love, self-will, and all disobedience were removed under the blood of the Lamb, and an overwhelming flood of grace swept us all into a great ocean of Divine Love."
A Holy Communion service was planned for the middle of August at the church in nearby Berthelsdorf. Everyone came with a deep sense of personal unworthiness and a dependence on God's mercy. During the service, the Holy Spirit descended in power, filling the whole company. Tears, shouts of joy, hugs and loud praise filled the air.
"Great signs took place in our midst", the count recalled. "From that time, scarcely a day went by where we did not behold His mighty workings among us. We returned home from this meeting with peace and joy and love in our hearts"
The anointing…the overflowing. It’s for us, here, today